Contact Us
Jacksonville Office
Our North Florida team is located in the Bank of America Tower in Downtown Jacksonville. Our attorneys are prepared to meet with you in person or virtually.
Phone: 904-562-1060
Fax: 904-562-1061
Please Note Our New Location:
Bank of America Tower
50 North Laura Street, Suite 2100
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
St. Petersburg Office
Our South Florida office is located on the second floor of the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, just west of the University of South Florida. Our attorneys are prepared to meet with you in person or virtually.
Phone: 727-616-2007
Fax: 727-284-1002
The Poynter Institute
801 Third Street South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Please Note: Some online mapping services will provide best directions to our offices by searching for “The Poynter Institute.”